Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Classroom Shortage Essay

Introduction This is an often problem of most high schools. The numbers of students become bigger while the numbers of classrooms are still the same. Due to this situation, some students at the back are having some difficulties, they cannot concentrate to the discussion on that the teacher had prepared because they barely hear the lessons. The teachers also are having a tough time in balance provision of all students so that some of the students could not relate to the topic. Most of the times, especially during afternoon, students are suffering from a hot weather because our school also needs to enhance proper ventilations. Due to this problem, students can’t focus in the lesson because sometimes they feel irritated. They are not able to learn in a congested classroom. Some of the students and teachers are pushed to study in the covered court or sometimes in the stage, because of this, they cannot concentrate to the discussion because they are distracted by the students who passed by and who makes noises. And it is also the cause why students do not attend their class and just spent their time in the canteen. As we all know because of the classroom shortage, our schedule is not well fixed. Pointing on this situation is a problem we need to take action. They lose the chance of the students to study comfortably without distractions and hindrances. We may get the high quality of education if they will provide more classrooms to accommodate new students coming from other schools.

The Context Of Behaviour Issues Education Essay

To analyze the manner pupils are larning, I have chosen to research the Blooms Taxonomy theory completed in 1956 by Benjamin Bloom, an educational psychologist. This taxonomy classifies rational operations mobilized during acquisition, the easiest ( underside of the pyramid ) to the complex ( top of the pyramid ) . Here is below an illustration of that pyramid: hypertext transfer protocol: // The 6 degrees of Bloom ‘s pyramid allow the instructor to better form the patterned advance of his class, but besides help to explicate specific larning aims. In 1991, Lorin Anderson a former pupil of Bloom, has significantly changed the degrees of the pyramid maestro with the coaction of David R. Krathwohl, co-author of the original taxonomy ( Anderson & A ; Krathwohl, 2001 ) .A speedy penetration of the theory†¦The involvement of the work of Bloom is that it offers a series of verbs that describe the rational behaviour of each degree of the pyramid. These verbs refer to discernible and let such instructors to compose to specific larning aims. Despite the forsaking of course of study based on specific aims, Bloom ‘s taxonomy is utile. On the one manus, Bloom recognized the complementarity of affectional and psychomotor spheres, although the descriptions he has made aˆâ€ ¹aˆâ€ ¹today seem so superficial. But more significantly, his categorization of the cognitive sphere into six degrees of complexness is a simple manner to stand for the activities of idea for pupils. It combines really good the relationship between cognition ( memory, comprehension, application ) and accomplishments ( application, analysis, synthesis, rating ) . Higher degrees of Bloom ‘s categorization correspond exactly to the creativeness that instruction reform is to develop and redemption which is the best for the hereafter of pupils. In this respect, there are a figure of intriguing schemes and techniques to further creativeness. Bloom ‘s Taxonomy is for me an assistance to explicate inquiries that can find the degree of pupil apprehension. For illustration, a inquiry may be used to find a pupil is adept in factual cognition, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and rating. In my position, instructors are better able to cognize the failings and strengths of their pupils, which help advance larning patterned advance to higher degrees.Some critiquesaTop of Form Since its preparation in 1956, critics of Bloom ‘s taxonomy have by and large focused non on the being of six classs, but the world of a consecutive hierarchal relationship between them. Some consider the three lowest degrees ( cognition, comprehension, and application ) as hierarchically ordered, but the upper three degrees ( analysis, synthesis and rating ) as equal. Others suggest it is sometimes more appropriate to get down the application, before the debut of new constructs. How do I use Bloom ‘s Taxonomy? I would personally state that for the classs that I presently teach I consider chiefly four degrees of acquisition and command of cognition, which correspond approximately to the first four degrees of Bloom ‘s taxonomy: 1. Information degree ( Knowledge ) : cognition is comparative to the apprehensiveness of an overview of a topic: the worlds are shown in some facets in partial or entire. 2. Expression degree ( Comprehension ) : cognition is related to the acquisition of the agencies of look and communicating: define, use the footings component subject. These control cognition. 3. Mastering tools Level ( Application ) : cognition is related to the control of procedures and tools for survey or action: usage, manipulate regulations or sets of regulations ( algorithms ) rules, in order to a consequence to be achieved. It is to get the hang a accomplishment. 4. Master methodological cognition degree ( Analysis ) , which is comparative to the control a methodological analysis of installing and troubleshooting: assemble, organize points in a subject, place relationships, concluding from these relationships, and make up one's mind towards a end. It is an attack to command initiation, tax write-off, proving, certification. Each degree includes the old 1s and with the experience that I am presently constructing as a instructor, synthesis and rating are non truly expected from pupils chiefly because of their bing degree of cognition and the class degree. As good, there is no rigorous order to see in utilizing these different degrees as pupils can be asked to get down a subject at the mastering tools degree, merely to look into their old cognition and construct the lesson harmonizing to the findings. The good facet of Bloom ‘s Taxonomy is that there are sequences in the acquisition procedure that we can play with. So, in footings of learning schemes, depending on the topic, I can get down or present the subject at any degree of Bloom ‘s pyramid. If I teach basic accounting rules to finish novices, I would be given to get down with Bloom ‘s Comprehension degree ( expression degree for me ) , where I try to demo the scholars that they already know some facets of the theory: Lashkar-e-Taiba ‘s state that I intend to learn the double-entry clerking rule. The first measure will be to hold the pupils set in braces and make up one's mind themselves which type of dealing they want to finish. From at that place, they will hold to calculate out the journey of the money which will be different depending on the side where the dealing will hold to be recorded. By pulling a simple map on an activity sheet or the board, they will understand easy how the completed dealing must be recorded. Merely after that measure, will I present the theoretical accounting facet to put the regulation ( Bloo m ‘s Knowledge phase ) . Then the â€Å" usage and manipulate † phase ( Bloom ‘s Application phase ) where pupils will hold tools in manus to work out practical exercisings is introduced. In footings of resources and planning, I use what Rogers ( 2002 ) explained sing a theoretical account of patterned advance in larning associating to different results of acquisition: it implies motor accomplishments which require pattern, verbal information ( facts, rules and generalization ) ; for illustration in concern topics, lesson programs are built in a â€Å" learner-centred manner † : scholars are given the chance to recognize existent and bing concern entities and have to delve deep down in their bing cognition to demo what they already know about the concern environment and rules. They are provided bit by bit throughout the class with the necessary resources: ne'er all of them at one time. Then rational accomplishments come in when scholars have to utilize cognition to know apart, understand theories, constructs and regulations. Straight after that, cognitive schemes help scholars to â€Å" retrieve † , â€Å" think † and â€Å" manage † their freshly acquired accomplishments to specify and work out jobs, which are most of the clip in concern or direction classs instance surveies to be analysed ( Application and analysis phases in Bloom ‘s Taxonomy ) . Top of Form In footings of appraisal and from experiences carried out in category, I can state that each phase of Bloom ‘s pyramid gives chance for appraisal. I have the clear feeling that class bundles provided by most awarding organic structures, when looking at larning results and appraisal standards, are utilizing Bloom ‘s rules particularly when utilizing specific verbs ( describe, buttocks, discuss, explicate aˆÂ ¦ ) to bespeak what scholars need to â€Å" be able to † make in order to demo that they have achieved or understood the topic. Indeed, in the Double-entry clerking topic, I assess bing cognition foremost, and so I follow Bloom ‘s following degrees of larning to do certain pupils are get the hanging specific practical cognition like computations or hard currency flow prognosiss to give an illustration. To come back purely to Bloom ( 1956 ) , a larning nonsubjective describes a general accomplishment or set of accomplishments that the pupil must get at the terminal of a learning sequence. However, the general educational aims can non give rise to a strict rating unless they are made concrete. This requires that they be translated into operational aims. This is cardinal for the advancement and accomplishment of scholars. A end can be considered operational if the followers are specified: – Performance to be achieved ( result ) identifiable by discernible behaviour ( described by action verbs ) and quantifiable or apt to measure up, the scholar can make and he can be evaluated. – The conditions ( context ) in which the behaviour must happen ( limitations, mandates, what equipment to utilize, how long, etc. ) . – Performance standard ( pass grade ) on whether the end is reached ( Level of demand which acquisition is required to turn up and standards used in the rating of larning ) . Inspired by behaviourist, this manner of seeing things has provoked reactions, expostulations, unfavorable judgment sometimes really strong, particularly among advocates of constructivist epistemology towards Bloom ‘s Taxonomy. Nevertheless, the impression of end is cardinal in any methodological attack to the instruction and appraisal. The procedure of rating is hence to put ends ( mentioning to a taxonomy ) to operationalize and specify appropriate agencies ( instruments ) which will find whether aims are achieved by the pupils or non. It will so continue to an analysis of the consequences ( formative rating ) , which will take to a determination which shall be communicated to different stakeholders ( the clip of the communicating ) . However it is non ever didactically clear: how to put ends easy? What preparations to utilize? Should I needfully integrate action verbs? How to verify that the aims are efficaciously operational? From my point of position, the good intelligence is that there are two great and simple tools that, when combined, can assist me accomplish this: the association of Bloom ‘s taxonomy and the SMART method.Top of Form Once the demands and outlooks of a course of study are analysed, specifying the educational ends is a cardinal measure in developing a preparation program. This measure non merely allows me to tag my path ( strategy of work & A ; lesson programs ) , and besides to ease the appraisal. When explicating educational ends, I ask myself the undermentioned inquiry: â€Å" At the terminal of the training/module/course, I would wish my pupils to be able toaˆÂ ¦ ? † . And, depending on the type of accomplishment I want to develop in my pupils, I keep my preparation utilizing a verb of action. At this point, I choose to brainstorm without inquiring myself excessively many inquiries and I try to give free rein to my spontaneousness! The rule of this taxonomy is that scholars must make a specific degree and must be capable of executing the operations matching to ( x ) degree ( s ) . These degrees are therefore hierarchically ordered in cognitive procedures and to supply a model for puting ends for themselves. The accent is non on the course of study content but on how scholars can turn to and get the better of barriers to achievement ( Knowles, 1984 ) . This taxonomy besides allows the designation of the nature of the abilities sought by the aim of preparation and grade of complexness. Identifying the type of larning nonsubjective covered by a resource can see its practical integrating in a pedagogical sequence. An of import point is separating undertaking and end: the indispensable in the educational activity is ne'er the † merchandise â€Å" , the consequence straight discernible ( the papers prepared entirely or in groups, prep, classs and trial tonss ) , even if that is the lone manner to judge pupils ‘ abilities. The of import thing is the advancement made towards each larning result, if it is appropriate and can be reinvested, how it is put into drama and how it allowed scholars to turn. The relationship between the undertaking and the end differentiates developing state of affairs and location of production: in preparation, the end is first in production, it is the undertaking.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Are Cell-Phones Dangerous? Essay

Technology is one of the most powerful factors that affect our daily life and routine. As part of it we have the well known and worldwide used: Cell-phones. A 2004 MIT survey said that cell phones were ranked as the one invention that people hate the most, but cannot live without. It beat out the alarm clock and the television. Cell-phones have become one of the most useful devices around the world; however, they have drastically and negatively affected our communication and privacy manners. In addition, they have created an incredible amount of mortal accidents around the world due to distracted drivers. Driving Accidents issues As a first issue regarding this remarkable invention we find the famous: texting while driving. Victoria police Const. Ryan Wilson, a member of the traffic division who chairs the B.C. Association of Chiefs of Police traffic safety committee, cited a case a few years ago where a woman was killed in what was believed to be a case of texting while driving. Police sought court orders to get her phone records, which showed that she was indeed texting at the time of the crash (Jeff Bell 1). It is almost impossible to keep your eyes focused on the road while giving attention to the screen of your cell phone. It makes your sight go off the street entirely for a couple of seconds, when anything mortal can happen. Apart from texting it is common for many people to call while hands are on the wheels. But, is it considered as dangerous as texting? The study, by University of Utah researchers, adds to a growing body of evidence that conversing by phone while behind the wheel can be hazardous. Talking on a cell phone while driving is as dangerous as driving drunk, new federally funded research shows (Jeff Bell 1). Despite the fact that everybody drives with one hand on the wheel, the process of our brain focusing on the conversation limits our capacity to respond properly to any minimal situation on the street. A 2005 study published in the British Medical Journal looked at crash data for 456 cell phone subscribers in Perth, Australia, who had an auto accident that required medical attention. The study, which essentially confirmed a similar 1997 study conducted in Toronto, concluded that drivers talking on their phones were about four times more likely to be involved in an accident than those who were not on the phone. Another highly publicized 2006 study from the University of Utah concluded that drivers who talked on cell phones were as impaired as drivers who were intoxicated at the legal blood-alcohol limit of 0.08. The study, however, found that using hands-free devices did little to improve drivers’ performances (Nancy McVicar 1). The use of them has been so far the best and only solution that diminish the risk of a mortal worldwide issue. It is not deniable that cell phones have caused several traffic deaths and injuries. As a matter of fact, either calling or texting while driving is among the most dangerous activity around the world. Despite some studies have shown that hands-free devices reduces the risk, they do not entirely finish with the problem. Frank Drews, one of the Utah researchers who has published earlier studies showing drivers on the phone are at higher risk of accidents, stated: â€Å"We have shown in previous studies there is no difference between hand-held and hands-free. There is a more dangerous component when people are dialing the phone or searching for the cell phone in the briefcase on the seat beside them, but what distracts people when talking on a cell phone is the conversation, not holding the phone (Nancy McVicar 1). People need to star being conscious and profit technology for our benefit not for our death. Communication Issues In another subject, cell phones have revolutionarily transformed our way to communicate to other people. We used to be anxious to see our friends, our family, our partner etc. However, people are so attached to their devices that even the most important and delicate conversation is spoken by phone. â€Å"And more than anything, we are discovering just how far and wide mind and body can be separated, because now we can be where we aren’t, no matter where we are,† said Martin Miller, a reporter from Los Angeles Times (Martin Miller 1). Despite the fact that cell phones clearly make our long relationships easier they completely destroy our closer ones. John Petersen, founder and president of the Arlington Institute, a future-oriented think tank in Arlington, Virginia. â€Å"What it is done is to change our view of reality. You remember not so long ago when making a long-distance phone call was a big deal? You would say, ‘I’m calling long distance,’ and you were supposed to drop everything? Now it is not a big deal anymore to get a call from anywhere on the globe† (Martin Miller 1). So, in fact not only our communication with close people is being jeopardized but the long distance treatment is also being affected. It is so easy to make long distances phone calls that we have stopped doing them. In spite of becoming every time easier to do them, we loose motivation and intrigue, which lead us to hesitate about the call and leave it for another moment. Besides the effect that cell phones has on any long and short relationship, there is a more concerning issue regarding communication, the face-to-face conversation. Cell phones are also reshaping our social habits and attitudes, say sociologists. According to Martin Miller, the portable phones, depending on their usage, can by turns be a shield against loneliness or create isolation. This would be the case when you cannot really focus on what you are doing, or what are you talking about due to the distraction that this portables create in us. Michael Zey, a sociologist at Montclair State University in New Jersey said: â€Å"They can reduce the need to create bridges. It allows people to exclude the people who may be in front of them and to intera ct with people they already know who are someplace else† (Martin Miller 2). We have become so dependant on these devices that they have created an inner necessity to be in touch at any time with family and friends. Even though this might sound as a good thing, it is not. People are not calling other people constantly with little regard to the content of the conversation. A recent three-panel cartoon in the New Yorker jokes around with some cell phone users apparent need to always be on the phone. The first panel shows a businessman entering a train talking on a cell phone with the caption, â€Å"I’m boarding the train.† In the next, which shows the man on the train, he says, â€Å"I’m on the train.† And in the last one, showing the cell phone user leaving, he says: â€Å"I’m leaving the train (Martin Miller 2). The urge of having knowledge of everything that someone else is doing is slowly killing our general communication with the outside world. â€Å"I think people have become more dependent on being in constant touch with others,† said Edward Tenner, author of the 1997 book â€Å"Why Things Bite Back: Technology and the Revenge of Unintended Consequences† (Martin Miller 2). In general cell phones have changed negatively our close and far relationships. In addition, our face-to-face communication has also been drastically affected. In all of the cases they interrupt any situation happening at the moment and move your head to a whole other situation in another place. â€Å"Cell phones and what is coming is what is driving globalization,† says Petersen, a former staff member of the National Security Council at the Reagan White House. He cited: â€Å"I think what we’re seeing is an almost biological evolution of the species. I think we’re building a global nervous system and brain† (Martin Miller 3). Privacy Issues Moving to our last but not least issue about cell-phones, we have a worldwide lost of privacy because of these modern devices. â€Å"Technology has just exploded. It’s so sophisticated now and it’s very easy to utilize these different technologies to keep tabs on a person and find out where they’re going,† said Gina Pfund, chief assistant prosecutor of the Domestic Violence Unit in Passaic County (Hannan Adely 1). How easy is to take your partner’s cell-phone and scroll down the text messages, e-mails and personal contacts? This has become a habit for many people. Although it is extremely convenient to have all your information, addresses, pictures, among others inside one little piece of metal, it is extremely dangerous to have your intimate life registered in something that anybody can take and see. Therefore, people are not only searching into their partner cell phones but also buying small artifacts that can record and play back all you do with your phone. Hannan Adely from New Jersey Media Group Inc said: â€Å"The person watching or listening is often a family member and frequently a suspicious or controlling partner. They have scanned Facebook pages, viewed online web-browsing histories, and examined cell phone records for proof. But some take it a step further, planting spyware on smart phones and computers† (Gary Marx 1). Now our problems are not only cell phone but also the accessories that have been created for them. Even though Richard Drobnick, director of the Teaneck-based Mars & Venus Counseling Center, said some forms of prying can be justified because â€Å"people need to know the truth,† this new invention is more seen as a tragedy than a relieve. â€Å"All of the above examples of information collection are perfectly legal. But the most troubling aspect of the problem for privacy advocates is that in many cases consumers don’t immediately recognize these actions as invasions of privacy,† said Gary T. Marx, a Californian lawyer (Gary Marx 1). He also empathized: â€Å"They might have a vague concern over certain technologies, but consumers often don’t understand how technology is being used to gather, analyze, and distribute data. Even among more insightful users there is great disagreement about how to view new technologies, and consequently there is disagreement on what constitutes misuse† (Gary Marx 1). Despite the ignorance that the world is having by thinking that lost of privacy because of cell phones is not an issue, our standard of conduct must go beyond what is legal if privacy as we know it is going to be maintained. Conclusion In conclusion, cell phones might be considered as one of the most demanding device in our society; however, the negative side of them is enormous. Mortal accidents, lost of communication and lost of privacy are concerning problems that people should be conscious of. Although some people are aware of the situation, the necessity to use cell phones is bigger than our rational mind. â€Å"So one explanation for our result is that cell phones may be dangerous,† stated Saurabh Bhargava, professor of University of Chicago economics (Walberg Matthew 2). They certainly are more dangerous than people think. If we continue to use portable phones the wrong way, death statistics will keep raising as well as our personal relationships will keep ending. Be a part of the future, not a problem to it! Works cited Adely, Hannan. â€Å"Cellphone Spying Getting Easier for Abusers, Stalkers.† The Record. 02 Jan 2012: A.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 25 Nov 2012. Bell, Jeff. â€Å"Distracted Driving Blamed for Growing Number of Traffic Deaths.† Times- Colonist. 29 Aug 2012: A.3. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 12 Nov 2012. Marx, Gary T. â€Å"Privacy Lost.† California Lawyer. Jan. 1999: 48+. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 25 Nov 2012. McVicar, Nancy. â€Å"Study: Calling While Driving As Dangerous As Driving Drunk.† Sun- Sentinel (Ft. Lauderdale, FL). 29 Jun 2006: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 13 Nov 2012. Miller, Martin. â€Å"Withdrawing into Our Cells.† Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, CA). Sept. 19 2002: E1+. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 18 Nov 2012. Walberg, Matthew. â€Å"Is Driving, Using a Cellphone As Bad As Thought?.† Chicago Tribune. 26 Mar 2012: 1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 12 Nov 2012.

Monday, July 29, 2019

4 Different Questions that need to be answered about 60-70 words per Assignment

4 Different Questions that need to be answered about 60-70 words per question - Assignment Example The mission of leadership initiative will be to educate, inspire, and empower the young student, and through mentoring, this mission will be accomplished. Thus, the students’ new student will be able to observe, interact, and learn from other students. The following steps were applied during the development of time management skill that serves a role model in the next class. I wrote somewhere the things that I was supposed to accomplish such as personal, and homework. Then I came up with deadlines for every task that I was to accomplish. I made sure; I did not multi-task. And then, I applied my downtime. Finally, I rewarded myself after finishing my activities. Particular approaches helped me to acquire decision-making skills. For instance, before making any decision, I could first weigh the pros and cons before making the best decision. After that, I narrow the options so as to stick to the best. I made sure, I evaluate the significance of the potential decision, and then final, I made sure I go for the well informed

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Engineering Design Flow Contributing To the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Essay

Engineering Design Flow Contributing To the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster - Essay Example The researcher suggests that perhaps April 1986 was the worst tragedy in the global nuclear history, considering that Russia was among the leading nations as far as nuclear energy production was concerned. However, the Chernobyl plant encountered the worst engineering disasters that led to its decommissioning barely a decade and a half into operation. One of the nuclear reactors under test exploded under intense pressure, spewing tons of nuclear waste into the atmosphere. Several people, including plant technicians and engineers, absorbed significant levels of radiation from the accident. The team from Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and some government operatives initially briefed the locals about the impending disaster. Although the local people were told not to worry because the explosion was a slight problem that the plan engineers dealing with it, nuclear waste was already spreading across the entire area. The government had to evacuate all the residents of Prypiat city within 24 hours because of the radiation effect that resulted from the leakage of nuclear waste into the atmosphere. By magnitude, the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster was the worst accident in global nuclear history. Nuclear experts believe that Chernobyl and the area around it are still contaminated with nuclear waste presently. To understand the events and circumstances that led to the unfortunate accident, it is worth examining the real causes of the accident, whether it was human cause or the causes were beyond human control.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Globel health presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Globel health presentation - Essay Example In 1978, the Alma-Ata declaration developed a global policy for health, which was to be realized by the year 2000. In this global policy, a universal primary health care system based on acceptable and practical methods was adopted. This was to involve the people and be affordable in different countries. This was adopted by most countries, except some capitalistic countries. In developing countries, this was faced with a number of obstacles, including political instability, poor economy, and emerging diseases. WHO is a major player in implementing the Alma Ata declaration. The development of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) helped in propagation of global policy. Today, different studies show that a health system comprising primary care is likely to deliver better health care. However, it is impossible for one heath policy to apply to the whole world. This is because of the difficulty in formulating uniform health interventions, which target a great number of people and different key groups with varying risk factors. These also live in different environments. Maternal and child health are critical in the global policy. Cost-effective interventions were identified, but the evidence on how these could reach the vulnerable groups was not established. Generally, the Alma Ata declaration is an unfinished business. However, it has been influential in responding to dynamic health issues across the globe, and so is a potential for health developments. The World Health Organization has a global policy of improving the quality of health, developing healthy lifestyles for all people, alleviating health risks, and being responsive to the determinants of health involved. The WHO public policies of health are age-and gender-sensitive, which will facilitate the empowerment of communities, self-care, and health protection, while cooperating with its different partners. On biological weapons, the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Ethics and Criminal Justice Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethics and Criminal Justice - Term Paper Example People who follow ethics are highly acknowledged and privileged by the society. Ethics, values and norms are not defined for the sake of knowledge only rather these are invented to be implemented properly. Simple moral ethics include taking care of sick, obeying of elders, avoiding lies, fair dealings etc. All these are common in every society and every religion of the world. Ethics are included in moral philosophy which involves in making moral judgments about the good or bad and right or wrong. It is obvious that these are absolute truths but also these are desirable by every cultured society (Singer 1995). Ethics and moral standards are of high importance in tackling cases of crimes. There has been every kind of big or small crime occurring round the globe. The world is not a quite safe place indeed. Rates of crimes all over the world particularly in US are increasing day by day. Law enforcement agencies are making their extreme efforts in order to make the world a safe place from these things. But since these are a part of society and the persons who conduct such activities are amongst us, we must have to have a system of rules to guide us in such situations which contain morality. No doubt dealing with humanity requires emotions too; but these only are not enough for making tough moral decisions. Here, ethics are defined in order to make justice and to give a message to other criminals too that they would not be spared from the justice in any case. Ethics in criminal justice sets the standards and limitations of the punishment according to the crime. They are quite helpful in determining the sensitivity of the case and to identify its variation. Once the nature of the crime is identified, then the criminals are charged correspondingly. Researches and analysis on ethics and criminal justice involves all those topics which are tagged under the law and justice. Some typical topics are authority of the state, role of law enforcement forces, providing a safe an d equal opportunity work environment which is free of rational and ethnical basis, crimes and prisoners etc. In order to research upon such sensitive and crucial topics, it is important to have a pre-defined set of moral ethics for a proper and fair judgment (Importance of ethics in Criminal Justice 2012). People who study and research upon criminal justice and critical ethics become able to have some analytical skills and logically reasoning abilities by which they can understand the complexities of different cases and tend to solve them with good moral judgments. By studying moral ethics, all such issues which occur within the criminal justice system can be understood well and criminal justice professionals may take lesser time in order to analyze the sensitivity of the case. They became able to draw consequences more quickly and enforce actual punishments as required by the crime. Since these professional are given power and authority to handle cases on their own; and in some cas es they may use or permit the use of physical force upon the criminals, it is necessary for them to have an in-depth knowledge of moral ethics so that they can distinguish between the limits and try as much as possible to keep make humanitarian decisions. They must not mis-use their authority and must not use it for personal purposes and benefits (Felkenes 1987). Since the subject of ethics belongs to the philosophy of life, we must understand and elaborate it in these terms. There

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 12

Article - Essay Example For this matter, the article has also cited various countries where the business performance has increased as result of established relationship between culture and relationship marketing. These countries include Brazil, India, Russia, and China. This article is important especially with the dawn to globalization. The aspect of culture cannot be overlooked as it exhibits both threat and opportunity dimensions. This article is instrumental in disregarding the threat dimension and taking advantage of the opportunities. This research has been conducted to specifically evaluate the role played by various cultural aspects that determine the effectiveness of relationship marketing. Mainly, the report has described each aspect as dimensions and analyzed each of them through experiments and extensive research. In this article, Stephen, Samaha, Joshua Beck, and Robert (2014) assert that accounting for culture is essential for effective international relationship marketing. According to the results they obtain from various researches, they have provided a theoretical insight into how and when culture dimension regulates specific joints in the relationship marketing framework. Accordingly, individualism (states isolating themselves from the rest of the world in a globalized concept) is significant as it suppresses many relationship building strategies. The article has also considered the Uncertainty avoidance concept. Accordingly, this is the extent to which a certain culture feels vulnerable to unknown situations. This dimension presents itself as a barrier as it prevents acceptance of new risks and flexibility. As such, it will prevent effectiveness of integrating a particular culture in the relationship marketing. On the other hand, Masculinity to femininity was found to be independent variable as far as RM is concerned. Similarly, the model used in the article predicts

Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Economics - Assignment Example Instead of closing out contracts with cash settlements, a common procedure on the commodities market, the Hunts took delivery on silver. They then stockpiled this silver and used their large cash reserves to buy up even more futures. The billions in demand triggered the rise of silver to more than $50 per ounce.† (Beattie, 2010) If speculation can have this much of an impact on the price of a fixed commodity – and the silver price plummeted when the Hunt brothers’ market corner was toppled – then the market cannot be totally reliable for an egalitarian distribution of resources. In this instance, a small minority with excess capital reserves could easily create massive market movements in price. It is the same with any commodity if a large capital interest takes hold in the sector and accumulates not from the need of supply, but based on speculation, then the aspects of banking and finance can come to determine even the price of coffee and tea. A free market based upon supply and demand and a free market fueled by speculation may not function in the same manner in determining market prices. If one reviews the ability of a group of brothers like the Hunts to move prices in silver, what could a nation-state, for example, accomplish if it were to try to monopolize a sector of commodities, or accumulate from a perception of scarcity. One example of this would be the Chinese State-owned and financed oil companies or loans being given to businesses by State-sponsored banks to buy commodities like copper, driving up the price. Q.2 - In free market economics, government interference and influence in the economy is rejected, in favor of the pure dynamics of supply and demand being determinant in driving prices, investment, capital flows, and other aspects of trade, manufacturing, and business activity. In this theory, the market operates naturally and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ancient Science and Medicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ancient Science and Medicine - Essay Example Hippocrates was born in 460 B.C. He is also known as the father of spine surgery. His heritage of knowledge and methodology has extended to almost all branches of modern medicine. He stressed his medical practice on observation and the study of human body and thus Hippocrates made the new changes in medical science by accepting the rational notions. Before that the base of medical science was religious beliefs. But he began the very sophisticated and rational method of observing the human body for diagnosing the diseases. Hippocrates and his school followed the holistic concept combining scientific thought with drug therapy, diet schedules and physical and mental exercise. Hippocrates and other Greek doctors used to believe that a doctor should be kept separate from the work done by a priest. Thus Apart from prayers and worship of God for curing the diseases he focused on the change in diet, the useful and advantageous drugs. Maintaining the balance in the body is the key for good he alth according to Hippocrates. Hippocrates treatise called â€Å"On Medicines† is the major work in history of the ancient Greek thoughts. It is a key document to study the medicine in early period and so this treatise has influenced many historians of philosophy as it contains the relevance to the 3rd century B.C. Hippocrates always believed that while treating the diseases it is essential to consider the whole human body and not just a series of parts. He was the first physician who accurately described the diseases. He also described the symptoms of pneumonia and epilepsy in children and stressed upon the natural remedial process like rest, good balanced and proper diet, fresh air and hygiene. He also explained that the seriousness of injury depends upon the individual differences. Some individuals are strong enough to cope with the diseases while some are weak. Hippocrates was the first physician who attacked on the traditional

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ind.structure of banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ind.structure of banking - Essay Example Some of the financial determinants that bring about financial development are the level of improvement with the quality, quantity and efficiency of financial services provided at an intermediary level (Boyd, De Nicolo and Smith, 2004). The discussion as to whether or not degree of cluster or concentration of banks at a given location brings about financial development continues to go on in literature. Very often, the expectation has been that the market structure should influence competition, which in turn should influence the way the banks should engage in the support of local businesses with financial intermediary services, and thus leading to financial development. Some of these arguments in literature are analysed below. In a study by Boyd and De Nicolo (2005), they observed that with increases in the concentration of the banking sector, there is an induced internal competition among the banks due to the existence of a perfect competition among the banks. The perfect competition existing means to the banks that there is no barrier to new entrants. This also means that they must guide their strategies along the need to maintaining their customers, while and fighting the threat of new entrants (Fama, 2010). Consequently, Boyd and De Nicolo (2005) noted that with increased banking sector concentration, banks are forced to lower deposit interest rates and rather increase loan interest rates. Once this happens, banks are likely to get more customers opening accounts and thus contributing to the overall internal growth of the banks. On the outside also, borrowers are said to be likelier to be engage in more risky projects as a way of covering up for the high loan interest rates. This way, there is lowerin g in the overall level of asset portfolio risk (Boyd and De Nicolo, 2005). Using the case of Caribbean banks, Alleyne and Waithe (2009) noticed that the increase in loan interest

Monday, July 22, 2019

Melody in the Middle Ages Essay Example for Free

Melody in the Middle Ages Essay In the early Middle Ages, melodic or textual embellishments added to plainchant were referred to as prosulae. In your own words, summarize the types of plainchant to which prosulae were most often added and the reasons for those additions. The Book of Hymns is one prime example of a prosulae. Plainchant was being sung day in and day out by the monks, who had already added some slight melody, but was still not easy to memorize. By adding some rhythm and separation in syllables throughout the melody, a new way to not only memorize the verses, but also present them, was born. In the early Middle Ages, melodic or textual embellishments added to plainchant were referred to as prosulae. In your own words, summarize Notkers description of how and why he came to add words to melismas, and his teacher Isos response. Notker realized as a young child that he wanted to find a way to remember the words to certain melodies, but with them being so long, he could not. When he came across a man with sequenced verses he was at first excited, but soon disappointed as they did no better than the long, monotonous melodies he remembered as a child. When he decided to add words to these verses and took them to his teacher, Iso, he both appreciated and pitied Notker. He went back and corrected some mistakes pointed out by his teacher, and these changes proved to be successful. The new verses were deemed worthy and copied to a roll for the all of the boys to sing.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Nuclear Energy Environmental Sciences Essay

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Nuclear Energy Environmental Sciences Essay Nuclear energy is a thriving global industry. Nowadays, there are a total of 435 nuclear power plants in the world. This source energy is not yet used in Malaysia. Nuclear energy can generate electricity by Fission process at the power plant. Its also said that nuclear energy only used a little fuel of uranium only but it can produce high electricity output. In such way, it can benefit our country in term of produce electricity as the government must take precaution about the decreases of supply of non renewable energy that extensively used in Malaysia. Hydroelectric is a renewable energy in Malaysia that produce high power capacity. It produced electricity from the flow of lake or streams. It will give the kinetic energy as the water flows downward very fast. So the kinetic energy has been converted to mechanical by the turbine. From the turbine, it will produce electricity. Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) operates three hydroelectric in peninsular Malaysia which its sum generating power capacity is 1911 megawatts (MW) and operates with a total of 21 dams. The largest hydroelectric power system in Malaysia is at Bakun on the Balui River in Sarawak. It can generate power capacity as high as 2400 MW which is double of power capacity supply in peninsular Malaysia. Coal is a fossil fuel created from plant trapped underground for millions of years without being in contact to air. Because of its nature of long term of produce, it is classified as a non-renewable energy source. Coal is mainly consists of carbon atoms that come from plant material from ancient swamp forests. There are many types of coal. Some contain dangerous material such as sulphur that pollutes the atmosphere further when they burn that will cause to acid rain. Anthracite, bituminous coal, lignite, and sub-bituminous coal are all different types of coal that are used nowadays. [1] In Malaysia, there are 5 generating coal power stations. Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Power station is the largest coal power station which its produce 2420 MW. In some research, It said that coal will last supply for the power energy at least for the next century.So our government must take precaution above this matter by bring in other energy sources in Malaysia. Oil is our primary source nowadays. For the time being, the increase of oil price has become a big issue in Malaysia. This will affect the price of TNB tariff in the long term as many of the power station use oil to produce energy. This matter will become serious if the fuel price keeps increasing. Oil plants in Malaysia are widely used in Sabah as the total Oil plant around Malaysia is five. Most of the power plants in Sabah use diesel engines to running their system. Gelugor Power system is the only one oil plant in peninsular Malaysia. It can produce around 398MW of generating power. In Malaysia, Gas energy Plant is widely used. Like oil and coal, gas is found underground, it from the million years of heat and pressure that being applied to the underground that can caused them to change to crude oil and natural gas. There is about 21 gas energy plant in Malaysia that can produce generating power from 100MW to 1500MW. Tuanku Jaafar Power system is the highest generating power system in Malaysia as it can produce 1500 MW of power Gas is a non renewable energy so the supply of gas maybe limited nowadays. Its also said that gas contributes a large amount of carbon dioxide that can be harmful to greenhouse warming. Biomass provides heat and energy. We can use many sources of biomass such plants, landfill fumes, agriculture, forest residues and also from the waste of industries and cities. In such ways, it not also minimizes the cost but it also reduces pollution to the environment. Biomass produce energy by basically burning organic matter to released its chemical energy. Using biomass energy contributes CO2 when burned but the carbon dioxide being recaptured and used by other plants. We can create electricity from biomass by direct fired, co firing, gasification and anaerobic digestion. There are nine biomass power plants in Malaysia. Likes Oil power plants, Biomass energy is widely used in Sabah. Many of biomass power plants empty fruit bunch as their fuel. Although biomass a renewable energy, it can only produce small power capacity.[1] DISCUSSION NUCLEAR POWER IN MALAYSIA Malaysian government announced that Malaysia is considering having Nuclear power plant by 2021. As the coal power plant has the limit supply of coal, and the price fossil fuel keep increasing, this was the best way to generate power that meet our country energy demand. Green Technology and Water Minister Peter Chin Fah Kui said that our main renewable energy, which is hydroelectric also have a problem of limited land to building a dam for hydro power plant. So the drastic way to overcome this entire problem is to build a costly but efficient nuclear power plant. According to the minister, the safety of power plant would be the high priority on building this technology. [2] How Nuclear Energy Works Nuclear energy is produced naturally under a human control. A nuclear power plant uses steam to generate the power plant. Uranium is the main aspect to produce a steam. Nuclear reaction occurs when uranium atoms split into small particles that can produce large amount of heat during the chain reaction. It will release around 3 neutrons and can produce a large of energy during the fission. This chain reaction will continue until uranium is split. Figure 1 shows fission of Uranium 235. [3] Figure 1 show Fission of Uranium 235 Fission process will occur in the fuel assemblies in the reactor core. Control rods are used to absorb neutrons to control the fission process. In order to keep the heat flowing efficiently, each power plant will have their coolant device that prevent the core becoming too hot and carries heat away. The piping of steam will run through the turbine in order to create electricity. Fission process can produce radioactive, It is important to have a barrier that can protect the release of radioactivity. Nuclear power plant is said to be under human control because it constantly monitored and controlled from a control room by highly trained engineered. It also has a backup system designed if the normal operation is disrupted. Figure 2 shows schematic figure of nuclear power plant. [4] Figure 2 shows schematic of nuclear power plant ADVANTAGES Environmental effect Nuclear energy has the lowest effect on the environment, Its because that the nuclear plants do not produce harmful gases. The water from the power plant also contains no harmful pollutants. Main aspect of Environmental safety of nuclear energy is it does not burn anything to produce electricity compared to other power plant such coil, oil and gas that can produce CO2 as it can increased concentration of greenhouse that responsible for climate change. For example, A 1000MW coal plant produce 44000 tonnes of sulphur oxides and 22000 tonnes of nitrous oxide and also 500 000 tonnes of solid waste that can be harmful to the atmosphere environment compared to the nuclear energy that doesnt produce any noxious gases .Nuclear energy will reduce about 5-10% greenhouse gases reduction by the time of 10 years. Cost Nuclear energy is very cost effective compared to the renewable energy such wind, hydro or solar. It uses Uranium as fuel. Main aspect is it use it can produce huge amount of energy in such a small amount of uranium. Uranium is highly concentrated source which is very cheap and easy transportable. For example, One kilogram Uranium will yield 20 000 times as much energy compare to the same amount of coal.[5] Supply Research said that Coal sufficient for some 300 years, natural gas for 60 years and oil for 40 years. The development of Nuclear power would be a drastic change for this problem. It was known that Uranium would last long for around 50 years, but recycling the plutonium from spent fuel would increase the potential of uses this technology as long as 3000 years at todays level of use. As we know, the consumption of fuel (uranium) of uses this technology is very small but the electricity produce are very high which is the main advantage of this technology.[6] Safety Since the tragedy of Chernobyl and three miles island, the safety of nuclear power plant had been improved. All nuclear power plant needs to be at maximum safety avoid major accidents. Nowadays, the design of newest nuclear reactor has applied the concept of negative feedback loop. This new technology ensures that nuclear power become harder to squeeze. In such ways, nuclear chain reaction that can lead to a explosion almost impossible to happen. So this technology had overcome the safety problem that always been worried by people around the world. DISADVANTAGE Environmental effect Nuclear waste is the main disadvantage in nuclear power energy. After many years of research, the world still has no exact solution to safely dispose the nuclear waste. Nuclear waste nowadays is stored in a disposal site. The problem is Plutonium takes a hundred thousand of years to be no longer radioactive. So the storage site may be full before the plutonium become inactive. In instant, plutonium are very dangerous as it is highly toxic and also can be used to make bomb.[7] Cost Although the price of uranium is cheap, the cost to construct Nuclear power plant is very expensive compared to the other source of power plant. It uses highly expensive technologies. The total cost to use the nuclear technology include construction, safety, insurance and liability in case of accidents or being attack which is can cause to mass destruction and also the cost of nuclear waste Nuclear Proliferation As we know, nuclear technology used a lot of uranium that can be converted to weapons production. Nowadays, there are more than 40 countries used this technology have a big risk about nuclear proliferation. The hazard of nuclear power includes the risk of disaster like nuclear reactor disaster in Chernobyl which hotly debated in the internet. The other problem is also the risk of terrorism and sabotage which can cause mass destruction. RENEWABLE ENERGY IN MALAYSIA Hydropower and biomass are commonly used of renewable energy in Malaysia. After an increasing price of fuel, lack of supply of coal, environmental problem and limited land in building dam for a hydropower, its a sufficient way if Malaysia take a step to develop a new type of renewable energy such wind and solar. Renewable energy plays a big role in supplying electricity in Malaysia as it also reduces the issue of global warming. Since Malaysia is located in equatorial region which receiving average of 8 hours of sunshine, its better for Malaysia government to implement solar technology in Malaysia. Nowadays, solar technology in our country is only use in rural area. For instant, Malaysia actually has built their first solar power station in Tropical Village of Kampung Denai.[8] Many citizens nowadays also use solar photovoltaic application as their water heater in their home. This shows that solar technology is no longer a new technology in Malaysia. Its better if our government to t ake opportunity to build a mega solar power supply in our country to overcome the problem of environmental effect if using non renewable energy such coil and oil. COMPARISON BETWEEN NUCLEAR ENERGY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY Safety The main difference is renewable energy doesnt have the tendency to create a military weapon the way the nuclear energy does. For instant, a sabotage of nuclear power plant would release a large amount of radioactive which is very harmful to human. Theres no type of renewable energy that can be used as weapon of mass destruction. Supply Renewable energies have very limitless source. It stated that nuclear energy can long last about 3000 years more because of the uranium supply is larger enough and also because of the ability of recycling plutonium. Both of this source energy has the long term of supply which would be the main factor of using this source. Environment Renewable energy is absolutely environmental friendly. Nuclear energy also doesnt produce any noxious gas which can increase the concentration of greenhouse problem or global warming. But the problem of using nuclear energy is to deal with the nuclear waste. Nuclear waste radioactive remains for hundred thousand of years. Until now, any of the world government body doesnt have the solution to solve this problem. Cost Nuclear power is more expensive compare with renewable energy. Even though we know that nuclear power plant only use little fuel (uranium) means little cost in term of supply but other cost like construction, safety, and waste are yet highly expensive. Solar energy is very affordable and very appropriate for our country as Malaysia gets a good sunlight each year. This could be the main advantage of using this technology. CONCLUSION Energy sources that are sustainable, environmental friendly and cost effective would be the main factor of choosing source energy. Renewable energy can achieve the sustainable we need. Renewable energy supplies 19% of energy and nuclear energy only supply 16% of world electricity.[9] Renewable energy not only have limitless source, its also easily organize and absolutely no risk to human and global. Nuclear energy maybe has its own advantage but the dangerous of nuclear waste has overcome all the benefit of nuclear energy. Theres still a big problem about the radioactive effect that can be harmful to human. So the investment on building nuclear power plant energy would be not a good option.

Ulrich Becks Theory Of World Risk Society Criminology Essay

Ulrich Becks Theory Of World Risk Society Criminology Essay This essay seeks to study the explanation of the September 11 attacks through the key concepts of the World Risk Society. It will analyse how the presence of risks in the contemporary society, is driving the governments towards the incessant development of technologies and other sophisticated security systems in order to make their States more secure. However, the issue under discussion is that, is this tendency to get feign control over the uncontrollable(Beck U; The Terrorist Threat; p 41); which is the central point of the world risk society, further adding to or leading to problems. Is this presence of the future in the contemporary society in a way leading to a security paradox? To put it in the words of Keith Spence in World risk society and War against terror, Both domestically in the guise of Homeland Security, and in military engagements elsewhere, the pursuit of war against terror inevitably compounds and reproduces the conditions and anxieties that it purports to address. To deal with these questions, the essay will start with the elucidation of the World Risk Society Theory as conceptualized by Ulrich Beck. Moving further, the essay would discuss the underlying assumptions of risks that are at the ground level of the counter terrorism policies adopted by the World today. Taking the case study of War on Terror and the pre emptive actions adopted by the US administration, it will analyse how safer is the World with the adoption of such polices? Did the zero risk policies and the constant process of modernization help US or made it more vulnerable to such attacks, in other words, made it more insecure? World Risk Society: Calculating the Incalculable Thinking of contemporary terrorism in the context of Becks theory of Risk Society, it can be defined as de-bounded uncontrollable risk characterised by a well connected structure, a continuous potential threat and difficult to trace to a single source. Beck introduces the concept of risk as a modern concept that presumes decision making. He further explains that as soon as we speak in terms of risk, we are talking about calculating the incalculable, colonizing the future. Beck emphasises on the fact that Risk Society has not arisen because of the presence of one or the other threats or dangers in everyday life but because of the de bounding of uncontrollable risks. According to him, de bounding has three distinct dimensions, i.e. Spatial, Temporal and Social Dimensions. By spatial dimension he implies risks or dangers that are not bounded by the nation state boundaries. The Temporal dimension signifies the long term dangers and finally the social dimension implies that the root of the problem cannot be traced back to a single agent, for instance, for problem of global terrorism, we cannot single out a country or an individual or group and blame it responsible for all terror networks. In the words of Beck, Uncontrollable risks must be understood as not being linked to place, that is they are difficult to impute to a particular agent and can hardly be controlled on the level of the nation state. Ulrich Beck further explains that in the World Risk Society with the central problem of how to feign control over the uncontrollable, have three axes of conflict ecological conflict, global financial crises and global terror. To say that the risk is global is not to suggest that everyone would be equally affected. It implies that the risks are unequally distributed; it might cause damage to different countries differently depending on the cultural and political variations. However, even if it affects everyone unequally but the truth, as Beck says, is that it affects everyone. And thus there exists a global problem for which a global solution must be found. This is where the global co-operation fits the picture. In his theory, terror seems to be the midpoint of interaction between other two axes of conflict. The development in technology and the increase in flow of money, in one way or the other increases the extent of the threat from the dark World of terror.( Beck U., The Terrorist Threat, p. 45) A distinction can be made between ecological and financial conflicts on one hand and global terror risks on the other hand. As Beck explains, ecological and financial conflicts are the unintentional side effects that come attached with the production of goods which in turn are the results of the central decisions taken by society. Explicating the shift from accident to intention, Beck concentrates on the axis of global terror. He describes terrorism as an intentionally bad (Beck U., The Terrorist Threat, p. 44) activity which leads to a negative situation that the other axes of conflicts produce unintentionally. This change of accident in the industrial society to intention in the modern society is followed by a further replacement of active trust to active mistrust. As the terrorist threat highlights mistrust and multiplies the risks, it weakens the relationship between the fellow citizens, foreigners and governments. After looking at these characteristics of the Risk Society, it becomes quite easy to understand the basis on which pre emptive intervention policies, detentions and profiling are justified. As Kessler O. And Werner W put it in Extrajudicial Killing as Risk Management, it is justified in the face of rowdiness and unpredictability of the modern terrorist. Also, after the attacks of September 11, the whole World very well accepts the fact that the terror world today has access to all technologically advanced weapons and thus has the capability to harm more people and spread more fear and panic amongst people. The features of the modern terrorism fit the framework of the risk society. Beck suggests that in the World Risk Society, it is increasingly becoming impossible for the States to protect the security of its citizens in the growing atmosphere of multiplying risks and active mistrust. The solution to the global problems of terror, ecological and financial conflicts lies in transnational co-operation. As he admits, this leads to a paradoxical situation for the nation states as in order to further accomplish their national interests, they need to denationalize themselves. The global coalition against terror stands a witness to it. In order to uphold their constitutional promise of protecting the life of their citizens, in this situation specifically from the terror threats, the nation states came together to fight a war against the terror world. this can be attributed to the fact that it isnt possible for nay country to fight the vast networks of terrorism, spread across the world, all alone. Even the superpower like US, which is most developed technologically a nd financially, had to call for the support of the other nations in order to wage the war on terror. Even though as a leader of global coalition it had to make certain policy compromises, nevertheless it went ahead to uphold its constitutional promise. It is shift from accident to intention that is the basis of all the counter terrorism policies. The process of profiling and indefinite detentions has been justified on the grounds of intention. The government has started judging the people on the basis of intention. To quote Mythen and Walklate from Terrorism, Risk and International Security government has taken more restrictive and invasive steps so that it can create an order that can tame the dangers to the detriment of people. Analysing 9/11 and the policies thereafter through the risk society perspective: Precautionary policies and the National security in the wake of New terrorism Responsible Science and responsible policymaking operate on the precautionary principle. Tony Blair (2002) The policies used to approach the global problem of terror are dictated by the logic of risk management. The novelty of this approach, as Keith Spence puts it in World Risk Society and War on Terror, lies in the adoption of pre emptive approach. The adoption of pre emptive approach as a precautionary principle can be described as being based on four interrelated assumptions put forth by Claudia Aradau Van Munster in Governing Terrorism through Risk: Taking Precautions, zero risk, worst case scenario, shifting the burden of proof and serious and irreversible damage. It is the worst case scenario and the thought of irreversible damage that drives the government to adopt zero risk policies. When struck with the 9/11 attacks, it was the thought of further irreversible damage that made the Bush administration come up with the pre emptive policy and the following invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq as States breeding terrorism. The pre emptive approach reminds us of the Henry Kissingers observation that the desire of one power for absolute security means absolute insecurity for all the others (Kissinger, 1961, p. 148; 1964, p. 2). The conduct and outcomes of such acts are not unpredictable but uncontrollable as well. The pre emptive approach adopted to fight terror spread more fear than it actually tackled due to the presence of uncertainty and unpredictability. In the words of Keith Spence, In leveraging sentiments of uncertainty amongst target populations, pre emption like all mechanisms of terror, enlarges the impact of aggression, provoking fear that permeates the culture thereby constituted and reproduced. (World Risk Society and the War on Terror, P.289) The process of pre-emption follows the logic of absolute security. The adoption of pre emption undermined the UN laws and norms that supported use of force only under situations that justified self defence against actual threat.( Annan, K. (2003); Secretary-Generals address to the General Assembly; New York, 23 September 2003.) The pre emption approach on the other hand worked on the principle of eradicating possible threats. To quote Bush from Remarks at West Point: New Threats Require New Thinking, to wait for the threats to materialize would mean that we would have waited too long. The idea of the eradication of potential threats in order to provide absolute security are all significant features of a catastrophic society as explained by Ulrich Beck in the theory of Risk society. The approach adopted, do not disappoint on the point of global solutions to the problems of terror. The solution that it provides again falls in the line of thought of Becks Wold Risk Society by abandoning the conventional norms of time, space and restraint. (Spence, Keith; World risk Society and the War on Terror; p 289) The stated objective of the War on Terror, as stated by George W. Bush in the Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People on 4th of July, will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated cannot be satiated. Instead the approach of the administration leads to the development of more such networks than it actually eradicates. Egyptian President Hosni Mubaraks has aptly remarked in context of the Operation Iraqi Freedom, that instead of having one bin Laden, we will have 100 as a consequence of Operation undertaken.( Black, Ian and McGreal, Chris (2003) Conflict will create 100 bin Ladens, warns Egyptian president, The Guardian, 1 April, p. 4.) The manner in which the US conducts its response to terror would only lead to multiplication of terror networks rather than its eradication. The fact that the initial steps of the policy adoption actually led to the growth of the terror activities in North and East Africa, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, the Indian subject-continent and the wider Gulf Region brings to the fore Kissingers cautionary observation of absolute security. Security measures as a part of precautionary principle: Homeland Security The practices undertaken to fight away the terrorist networks under the label war on terror are too vast and discursive to fit into the framework of any theory. From Guantanamo Bay to biometrics and increased surveillance, or from extraordinary rendition to the categorisation of terrorist suspects as enemy combatants, the war on terror has regimented a whole series of practices that showcase the reaction to precautionary risk. (Aradau and Van Munster, 2007; Governing Terrorism through Risk: taking precautions, (un)knowing the future; European Journal of International Relations; Vol. 13, No. 1, 89-115) As a result of the terror attacks, US post the announcement of War on Terror, took a lot of steps in order to be prepared to shield the country from any unpredictable, unknown but inevitable situation. The website created by the department of Homeland Security is another source for informing the people and preparing America for any emergency. The site discusses the campaign Ready which aims at educating and empowering the Americans to deal with any situation of emergency including natural and man-made disasters. ( The Website states Be ready! and carefully places a quote from the founding secretary Tom Ridge, claiming terrorism forces us to make a choice. We can be afraid or we can be prepared! The website goes to the extent of stating three simple steps get the emergency kit, formulate a family emergency plan and be informed to rescue oneself or at least be prepared to face the emergency situation. It warns the people abo ut emergencies that can range from inconvenient to devastating and aims at empowering them by preparing them in advance. The department aims at preparing the people to fight the emergency but what exactly will be the emergency is unknown, the only surety about the unsure situation is its inevitability. The site puts in to place the key mechanism of the catastrophic society which makes the state of emergency institutionally established as a norm. (Spence, Keith; p 291). The states have marked emergencies from green to red and make sure that the drills take place regularly. As Keith Spence rightly remarks, the frenzy created by these drills and the supplementary activities leads to a persistent feeling of anxiety which is further responsible for a feeling of uneasiness and discomfort. (p.293) The adoption of the pre cautionary principle has led to a time where it is not the state which has to prove but the individual has to prove that he/she is innocent. Under such a precautionary principle, the people irrespective of the fact that they are innocent or victim, they are guilty unless proven innocent. To quote Keith Spence from World risk society and War on Terror, Neither the conduct nor outcomes of such acts are fully predictable or controllable, and as war and terror overlap and blur so too do distinctions separating civilian from combatant, collateral from non-collateral, and innocent from other victims. (p. 289) Ardau and Van Munster aptly remark, Among the technologies used to avoid a catastrophic future, war is just one. The war on terror or the consequent war of Afghanistan and Iraq do not speak of a recent rediscovery of militarism, but of a govern mentality that activates all the technologies imaginable in the face of uncertainty. There is an interesting similarity between Homeland and Fatherland. As Keith Spence points out the Jacobin Terror which was anticipated by the declaration of Fatherland in danger on 11th July 1972 was the starting point for the nation state to assert its control and authority. In 1973 when the Committee of public safety was constituted and succeeded the Committee of Vigilance (Spence; p. 291), Danton proclaimed, Let us be terrible so that the people will not have to be. One cannot help but agree with T. Ridge (2003) when he remarks that if War on Terror has been announced for peace then Homeland Security is just another name for the vigilance committee and has been formed in the name of freedom. As Helene Guldberg puts it in Challenging the Precautionary Principle, to take regulatory action on the basis of possible unmanageable risks, even after tests have been conducted that find no evidence of harm. We are asked to make decisions to curb actions, not on the basis of what we know, but on the basis of what we do not know Biometrics: As Ardau and Van Munster put it in Governing Terrorism through risk: taking precautions, unknowing the future, 9/11 has given way to more pro-active forms of surveillance of suspect populations, leading to a surplus supply of data and an over-prediction of threats. To quote Aas K. F from The body does not lie: Identity, risk and trust in technoculture, in a globalised and anonymous world, where almost everyone can afford to cross the closest borders, biological identification seems to be the best solution for states to verify peoples identity. Biometrics is simply the measurement of the most unique parts of a humans body i.e. the iris, the fingerprints, retinas, gait and voice. Application of biometrics in the field of security is just significant of the increasing trend of securitization of identity. The basic principle behind the biometrics is, as Aas puts it inThe body, to eliminate bad by keeping away undesired people. The US VISIT programme showcases the advanced and complex system of biometrics govern mentality i.e. a system of categorizing a person as legitimate or illegitimate with the support of technology collecting data biometric information of the human bodies. The case of Guantanamo Bay: As Keith Spence puts it in World Risk society and War on Terror, apart from the invasion of Iraq the archaic excess is prominently elaborated at Guantanamo Bay, where deterritorialization and pre-emption are materialized in a legally determined limbo beyond the reach of civil and international law. (p 291) Guantanamo existence as a state of exception was made clear by the condition of the detainees of Gauntanamo. As Giorgio Agamben seeks to explain, The detainees of Guantanamo are subject to raw power and have no legal existence.( Agamben G. And Raulff U.; (2004) Interview with Giorgio Agamben Life, A Work of Art Without an Author: The State of Exception, the Administration of Disorder and Private Life, German Law Journal) Implication of the risk perspective to the camp exemplifies dealing with an unrestricted risk in the spatial category. The Guantanamo Bay detention camp has been placed outside the regular US legal jurisdiction but it is not fully immune for this order. . To this extent, C. Ardau in Law Transformed remarks, The Guantanamo bay camp perfectly embodies the necessity of defining a new form of war, which breaks the habits of all previous sets. Guantanamo Bay stands as a perfect example of the aftermath of the conditions resulting from the implication of the precautionary logic of controlling the future in other words tackling something that is uncertain and unknown of. Even though Gauntanamo has resulted in making modern day terrorism as a novelty nevertheless it cannot be tagged as a place without any regulations. To put it in the words of C. Ardau, it has resulted in the creation of a place ruled by the dominant principle of governing the social and taming the future. US itself has become a source of violence it wanted to fight by adopting the harsh policies to fight to it and Guantanamo Bay is just one example of this. The thought of taking over terrorism with the principle of pre-empt rather than dealing with risk often leads to a vicious circle by giving way to exactly what it had wished to extinguish. War against terror and the precautionary steps taken thereafter is symbolic of this phenomenon. Conclusion: To quote Ulrich Beck, September 11 drove home the lesson that we now live in a risk society, a society in which there are uncontrollable and unpredictable dangers against which insurance is impossible and where questions of compensation, liability and harm minimization have lost all their social and political significance. The policies adopted and the measures taken post the attacks of 9/11 just makes this quote a lot more acceptable and suitable to the present situation. Even after taking the precautionary steps and becoming increasingly ready by employing latest technologies for uncertain but inevitable emergency situations, US has not only made itself more vulnerable to such attacks but in a way has helped the terror world to spread across its message of fear and panic. The new technologies employed for security purposes are just new challenges posed in front of the terrorist. They might learn to overtake it in a while. The question that arises then is What steps will US take then? It is really a vicious circle the more it will try to secure itself, the more insecure it will become!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

This article focused on a study that measured how many calories people burned when doing intensive exercise, such as bicycling, running, or playing a fast-paced game of basketball. Researchers discovered that high-intensity exercise burned extra calories in addition to the calories burned during exercise, and that this extra burn was not present in exercise that was low intensity, such as walking. The article did a good job of explaining the results and the conditions under which the study was performed. Many news articles give the results but don’t talk about how the results were figured out, but that information is important for people who want to know more about how a study or some research was conducted. The study acknowledged that only men were participants in the study, which could raise some issues of balance, but the researchers felt confident the results would be true for women as well. This article is interesting to me because I am interested in understanding how my exercise regiment affects my overall health and calorie burning. I like lower intensity workouts, but I never quite believed it when I heard people say you could get the same benefit from walking as from running, and it would seem that in fact running is significantly more effective at burning calories by also getting the body to heat up and work hard even after the person has stopped exercising. This article explained the benefits of chocolate milk for athletes and people engaging in high-intensity workkouts. Researchers compared performances of athletes who drank sports drinks against those who drank chocolate milk in order to find out how effective chocolate milk is as a workout drink. The researchers for this study found that chocolate milk contains pr... ...tific content to understand the main ideas of the piece, but the reporter did mention some things about antibodies and how the drug was used that was not as fully explained as they could have been. With the statistic being something like 1 in 6 people will develop cancer at some point in their lifetime, this news story is relevant to everyone and is good news that science and medicine are becoming ever more effective at treating cancer in a way that is successful and yet is not devastating to someone’s quality of life. However, this new treatment still relies on conventional medicine, namely specific poison for cancer cells, and it will only treat the disease after it has manifest. Hopefully scientists are working on ways for more effective pre-screening, and I do wish more people would advocate lifestyle choices that prevent cancer from forming in the first place.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Native Americans Essays -- essays research papers fc

People have been living in the Americas for thousands of years. Only fairly recently, the past few hundred years, have foreigners begun to arrive and drastically disrupt the way of life of the aboriginal population. The situation has become so severe that a population that was one believed to be numbered in the millions, was at one point reduced to as few as 220,000 in 1910, and entire tribes have been either irretrievably warped or have disappeared altogether. While Native American Indians have almost completely recovered population-wise, they will never catch up to the rest of the world, and their culture can never fully recuperate. At the time the United States was settled by Europeans, it was abundantly populated by dozens of separate nations with diverse civilizations and cultures. Like other colonized regions, the indigenous people suffered first from the introduction of diseases that were common in the regions that the settlers were from, to which the Indians had no immunity. It is believed that millions died of smallpox, measles, whooping cough, and influenza. Some estimate that such epidemics were responsible for more than 80 million deaths during the early colonial period alone. Although The Indians numbers were never accurately recorded (estimates have ranged from in the low millions to as much as around a hundred million) it is certain that they are far from a complete recovery. For nearly 300 years the population of Native Americans had been declining, since shortly after Columbus arrived in the Western Hemisphere to a while after the civil war. But starting in the beginning of the 20th century the United States census bureau has reported an almost continuous increases in native populations (with some exceptions, notably an influenza epidemic that occurred in 1918). From the 1980’s to the 1990’s there is reported a growth of almost 500,000; from 1,478,523 in 1980 to 1,937,391 in 1990. Despite these promising statistics the population of Native Americans is only a small fraction (0.8 percent) of the hundreds of millions of other inhabitants in the United States. Despite their initial confusion to their situation after the arrival of Europeans, the Native Americans did not take their disenfranchisement from their own land lying down. Native Americans have a long history of "fighting back" against invaders encroaching on the land that ... ... remained of their once vast civilization, Native Americans were beginning to make a recovery. Despite a long history of disease, broken treaties, and constant removal from their own land Native Americans can finally focus within their own society to try to rebuild what they have lost. Although they may never fully recover, Native American Indians are at the best position they have ever been in since their exposure foreign influences. Bibliography Bibliography Zinn, Howard. A Peoples History of The United States. 1980, pp. 124-146. Josephy, Alvin M. The Indian Heritage of America. New York, 1968. Pp. 53, 116. _________. Through Indian Eyes. New York, 1995, Pp. 330-332, 383. Oswalt, Wendell H. This Land Was Theirs: A Study of The North American Indian. 1966, Pp. 399-400. "Indian Images." News report. ________. "First Nations Histories." ________. "Top 25 Native American Tribes." US Census Bureau. (1995) ________. "The Native American Peoples: A History of Genocide." Boabab Press (2000)

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Biblical Symbolism In Rime of the Ancient Mariner :: Samuel Taylor Coleridge

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," written in 1797, has been widely discussed throughout literary history. Although critics have come up with many different interpretations of this poem, one idea that has remained prevalent throughout these discussions is the apparent religious symbolism present throughout this poem. "The Ancient Mariner" contains natural, gothic, and biblical symbolism; however, the religious and natural symbolism, which coincide with one another, play the most important roles in this poem (Piper 43). It is apocalyptic and natural symbolism that dominates the core of this poem (43). The biblical symbolism found in this poem mainly reflects the apocalypse, as it deals with the Mariner's revelation that good will triumph over evil, and his acceptance of all nature as God's creation. It is impossible to believe that Coleridge was not thinking of the mysterious wind that blows on the Mariner, without any awareness of the wind as a Biblical symbol of the Holy Spirit. Coleridge could also not associate the murder of the albatross with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The reader is told that the Polar Spirit "loved the bird that loved the man who shot him with his bow." It is doubtful that someone with Coleridge's Christian background and faith could fail to see here an analogy with God who loved his son who loved the men that killed him. Another example of symbolism is the fact that the albatross is hung around the Mariner's neck like a crucifix. Event the "cross" in "cross-bow" hints at the murder of Jesus, which logically paces the albatross as a symbol for Christ. It is thought that Coleridge deliberately created these symbols and images with Christian meaning in mind. The apocalypse is heavily reflected upon throughout this poem as Coleridge combined the vivid colors, the ocean, and the death fires of "The Ancient Mariner" with the terror and desolation of the days of wrath in the apocalypse. The section of the poem after the Mariner kills the Albatross is a description of the emptiness and desolation that the Mariners experience, and the curse that is over the ship. This section of the poem has tremendous correspondence to the apocalyptic story. The language and form in this part of the poem represent the images and words, which have traditionally described the wrath of God and the guilt of man in Christian term s. Its is at this point in the poem that the Mariner feels guilty for having killed the Albatross and for the deaths of his shipmates.

Chinese Literature Essay

The first short story under consideration is â€Å"Iron Child† by Mo Yan. The piece of literature deals with industrialization of China, which aimed at establishing the socialist model of political system of this country in the beginning of the second half of the twentieth century. The outcomes of the political transformation of China, particularly, child labor, are described in the story. The story â€Å"Iron Child† is narrated by a five-year-old boy (Yan n.pag.). Another short story under analysis is â€Å"Dogshit Food† by Liu Heng. The events of this story take place in the period of the so-called Great Leap Forward (1958). â€Å"Dogshit Food† deals predominantly with the issues of social life in China and political transformation after the World War II. The author emphasizes the human perception of beauty and ethical aspect of interpersonal relations. The story is being delivered in the third person singular, which indicates author’s narrative. The protagonist of the novel is Yang Tiankuan (Heng n.pag.). In spite of thematic diversity and differences in the formal realization of subject matter in both short-stories, â€Å"Dogshit Food† by Liu Heng and â€Å"Iron Child† by Mo Yan, they have a wide range of similarities. In his short story â€Å"Iron Child†, Mo Yan deals with the issues of industrialization of China establishing the socialist model of political system. The writer also reflects upon the most acute and burning social issues, particularly, child labor. It should be mentioned that Mo Yan creates the reality in which children appeared to be the most vulnerable in  the face of decisions and choices of adults. The general tone of the novel is gloomy. The pace of revolving the plot is predominantly moderate, gravitating towards acceleration. The surrealist vision gives this short story the flavor of reminiscence, since the author, apparently, is recalling and reconsidering his childhood. The aspect of the surrealist vision is embodied in the Iron Child who is the protagonist’s friend. Iron Child is endowed with extraordinary abilities of consuming iron (Yan n.pag.). On the other hand, â€Å"Dogshit Food† by Liu Heng, above all, accentuates the inter-personal relations between Yang Tiankuan and his wife and Yang Tiankuan and the rest of community inhabiting the Flood Water Valley. According to the short story, the negative effect of reformatting the agriculture and economy of China is related to the issue of malnutrition. Apparently, the author is drawing a parallel between the affliction and the person’s character. The conflict between the appearance, the outer surface, and person’s inner world is revealed through the lens of Yang Tiankuan’s wife. Namely, the author analyzes the way she treats Yang Tiankuan and others and, consequently, the way she perceives the world (Heng n.pag.). Therefore, the issues dealt in both novels are social life in China in the age of the Great Leap Forward, childhood and the status of children in Chinese society, interpersonal relations, human perception, and understanding the beauty. The essence of social issues and their outcomes and, as a result, the cause-effect relations dealt with in both short stories constitute the commonness between these particular pieces of literature. Another important observation to be made concerns the aspect of distinctiveness and autonomy of Chinese literature in general and Chinese prose of the twentieth century in particular. The phenomenon of distinctiveness and autonomy of Chinese literature was predetermined by the geographical position of China as well as scientific, cultural, and political separateness of this region from the rest of the world. Coalescence, i.e. loss of individuality, of the Chinese historic-cultural frontier in Asia represented itself as a notable fact common to the second half of the twentieth century. Mo Yan and Liu Heng’s positions supported Chinese identity in the context of culture by all means. Considering the current situation, it is important to admit the process of introducing the realities of the Western world to East and China in particular. They were assimilated into Eastern ground. Mo Yan and Liu Heng’s short stories were called, above all, to communicate the idea of cultural identity to the audience across the world. In other words, these particular pieces of literature have no target audience. In its turn, the absence of target audiences indicates both self-sufficiency and self-sustainment of art in general and literature in particular. Self-sufficiency and self-sustainment are the markers of the postmodern art, philosophy and the concept of world. However, social determination of both pieces of art is obvious as far as their subject matter is concerned. In my considered opinion, the issues of identity, assimilation and social determination presented in both â€Å"Dogshit Food† by Liu Heng and Mo Yan’s â€Å"Iron Child† are important in terms of investigating and analyzing. Works Cited Heng, Liu. â€Å"Dogshit Food.† _Fiction Since 1976._ Trans. Deride Sabina Knight. N.p., n.d. 366 – 378. Print. Yan, Mo. â€Å"Iron Child.† _Fiction Since 1976._ Trans. Howad Goldblatt. N.p., n.d. 367 – 387. Print.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Examine closely, referring to the text whenever necessary, the character of Friar Lawrence in Romeo and Juliet Essay

beggar Lawrence was created by Shakespe ar to raise up the breeze towards the sad last. He carry ons action to the unfortunate circumstances indoors the romp as they instruct browse. Certainly, he is frequently made to resolve the problems that on a regular basis strikingness him. He develops solutions to problems in femme fatale Romeo and Juliet are involved in. I int destruction that m prohibiti tail endt Lawrence is non responsible for the tragic events which take repose in the recreate and preserve non be held responsible for the impulsive or violent conduct of an opposite(prenominal)s. mendicant Lawrence is nearing the end of his life he is a slice of strict ethical motive, he shows this throughout the cultivate. He seems surprised by Romeos explosive change of liking from Rosaline to Juliet, he shows his denunciation in a calm human bener. The beggar dose not raze his phonation or lecture Romeo for huge only if is sort of open-minded to the feeling s of Romeo for Juliet. He shows morals in Act 2 scenery 6 in that respectfore respect moderately, long love doth so / Too spry arrives as tardy as be expressions slow.Basic entirely in ally saying to Romeo that he should be more(prenominal) patient, he suggests that natural passion can end in tears and it is necessary for him to wait for the blood to work out.He can be viewed as a farther shape to both Romeo and Juliet. Juliet receives little assistance at all from her m an separate(prenominal) or farther, this can be sh suffer when Juliet refuses to wed the Count capital of France, they take little notice to what Juliet has to say(Act 3 outlook 5) I would the fool were wed to her grave.I believe Romeo a coarse deal in any case seeks fatherly guidance from mendicant Lawrence which he does not receive from his own father and family. This Proves that Neither Romeo or Juliet develop a close relationship to on that point parents, friar Lawrence provides the comfort for both Romeo and Juliet. beggar Lawrence is a man of the Roman Catholic Church He bring arounds services for the population of Verona and carries out ceremonies such as weddings, funerals, baptisms , confessions as easily as celebrating the mass. The beggar may make up felt he demand to suspensor the equalize as they would be stick with make up inted carnal sin in the eyes of the catholic faith, a workable reason why he chooses to service Romeo and Juliet could be because of his job to listen to confessions and attend to mountain with sin. He is a friar and essential live his life all and with hardly any knowledge of the away(p) world (especially the personal business of new(a) people). candidly he isnt in reality the high hat man to be handling the affairs of 2 adolescent children, being the conflagration of youth and the beggar being at the end of life so he has never had a deep apprehension of materialization peoples take ups.friar Lawrence is ext remely lettered and philosophical. He often sits quite merrily in his cell contemplating or reading. He lives his life approximatelyly secluded from the outdoors world. The friar first shows his philosophical side in Act 2 Scene 3. He describes his envisionts and weeds and explains how they both can be used for good and evil. virtuousness itself turns vice, being misapplied, / And vice sometimes by action dignified.The friar it seems is a kind and to the highest degreely gentle man. I believe he actually wishes to help the childlike couple. However at times, he can also be quite brutal like the time when Romeo shows how self-centred he is after he is banished from Verona. He definitely is a brave man by unifying the 2 lovers he is provoking the wrath of the two most flop families in Verona.Another sign of the Friars parole is how the Friar can come up with a solution almost all time he is faced the problem. This happens on a number of occasions. For example when Romeo is banished from Verona he suggest Romeo go to Mantua, or when Juliet is laboured to wed Count genus Paris so friar Lawrence offers her the potion to fake death so that she can be reunited with Romeo, even when all hope seems to be lost Friar Lawrence instantly comes up with a plan on determineing Romeo has not au whencetic his letter the Friar decides to enter the Capulet grave which is an extremely dangerous thing to do. This is another(prenominal) indication as to how brave Friar Lawrence very is.The friar is also well trusted and respected. The nurse is a great admirer of the Friar, she also agreed with the Friar and she verbalise O Lord, I could mother stayed here all night / To hear good counsel. O what learning isJuliet is panic-stricken by the potion, but Friar Lawrence reassures her of all the effects the potion that leave alone make people believe she is murdered. She still trusts Friar Lawrence replete to take itThere is however sensation flaw to the Friars pe rsonality. He is old and nave. He is nave to think that only marrying the two lovers result end the fight. His naivety is exposed when he asks Juliet to join a nunnery when she sees Romeos dead corpse in the tomb this patently wouldnt suit a young girl. With Friar Lawrences good intentions and rapidly devising plans he can also be nave in this respect.Friar Lawrence Is purposely put into the plot to really send the plot towards its tragic end. The friar reacts and responds to the problematic circumstances In a way that causes the play to be driven to the ending. Simply without the Friar the play could not of taken place. The friar decided to marry Romeo and Juliet he was sure as shooting going to pick out to help them through any problems they would face during the course of the play. The other characters in the play cause most of the trouble that interrupt with Romeo and Juliets passionate relationship.He had to marry Romeo and Juliet as he is a friar and he can only perf orm the wedding ceremony. It was his religious duty to marry then if they had sex outside of spousal relationship it would be a grave rudimentary sin in the eyes of the Catholic Church. When Both Romeo and Juliet during the play say they will commit suicide the Friar evidently must help them. He could also not let Juliet take place in the bigamous marriage with Paris. There is 3 sins that take place ravish it is the Friars duty to stop from taking place (suicide, bigamy and sex outside of marriage).I in person believe that Friar Lawrence is not to lodge for all of the tragic events. He is arduous to do his religious duty, and his duty as a fatherly figure. He tries his truly best to help the couple, however are usually sunk by other characters in the play who cause more problems so the initial plans set up by the friar are ruined every time.Other Characters in the play are to blame more so than the Friar. Tybalt and Mercutio, in my opinion, caused the most problems. The figh t was excess and was simply for very improper causes. Tybalt had come for Romeo, but end up cleaning Mercutio.Romeo is also much to blame. It is his impulsive behaviour that causes the main problems. There was no need for Romeo to be so careless to erase Tybalt. He did something that he knew was wrong. Another major(ip) incident was when he killed Count Paris. When Romeo killed Paris he had sealed his fate, if he didnt commit suicide then he would prepare been executed.The Capulet and Montague families are also involved. These two families have had hate for each other for many years. If the parents of the two families could settle their differences and be mature enough to then most of these problems would not have occurred. If there had not been a strife in I am almost certain no(prenominal) of these problematic circumstances would have taken place.Most characters in the play confer to the fall of Romeo and Juliet far more than Friar Lawrence. Friar Lawrence is the one who tr ies to clear up mess left by these other characters.Shakespeare intended for Romeo and Juliet to die and there is really nothing Friar Lawrence could do about it, with the play being a tradigy. It is said in the opening of the play A pair of star crossed lovers take their life. This shows it is Romeo and Juliets destiny to commit suicide. Friar Lawrence can only push the play along to this inevitable conclusion.Friar Lawrence himself shows some fearfulness in the play but it is fate. If Friar Lawrence had stayed with Juliet in the Capulet vault, he would have probably prevented Juliet from committing suicide. Yet he had to panic as the Watch approached, in order for Juliet to die and the tragic conclusion to occur.He marries Romeo and Juliet for three main reasons. firstly of all he extremitys to end the feud between the two houses. He sees marrying the two as a way to end it,For this alliance may so blessed prove / To turn your households rancour to complete(a) love. Secondly h e does not want the two to the 3 carnal sins. He is upholding his religious duty by marrying them. to boot he can tell that the couple truly are in love although they may not be fasten for marriage. The advice that is given is the right advice. If other characters had not interfered and other unfortunate events had not occurred then the play may have ended happily. However this is a tragedy and his plans must fail.When he gives Juliet the potion to fake his death this potion is as the lesser of three evils. Juliet could commit suicide, have a bigamous marriage with Paris or take the potion and live with Romeo, her husband.If there is a flaw to Friar Lawrence it is certainly his naivety. He thought that by simply marrying Romeo and Juliet he could end the feud. It may have caused even more trouble inwardly Verona and it could have created more harm than good. severity plans like asking Juliet to join a nunnery are due to him not being the right person to help the young couple with his lack of knowledge of young peoples relationships.In conclusion, Friar Lawrence is a good man, who tried his most hardest to help the situation between Romeo and Juliet and the family feud between the Capulets and the Montagues. His motives are entirely selfless and horrible and it is the interference of the other characters, rather than his own actions, which lead to the fall and tragic conclusion of Romeo and Juliet.