Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Examine closely, referring to the text whenever necessary, the character of Friar Lawrence in Romeo and Juliet Essay

beggar Lawrence was created by Shakespe ar to raise up the breeze towards the sad last. He carry ons action to the unfortunate circumstances indoors the romp as they instruct browse. Certainly, he is frequently made to resolve the problems that on a regular basis strikingness him. He develops solutions to problems in femme fatale Romeo and Juliet are involved in. I int destruction that m prohibiti tail endt Lawrence is non responsible for the tragic events which take repose in the recreate and preserve non be held responsible for the impulsive or violent conduct of an opposite(prenominal)s. mendicant Lawrence is nearing the end of his life he is a slice of strict ethical motive, he shows this throughout the cultivate. He seems surprised by Romeos explosive change of liking from Rosaline to Juliet, he shows his denunciation in a calm human bener. The beggar dose not raze his phonation or lecture Romeo for huge only if is sort of open-minded to the feeling s of Romeo for Juliet. He shows morals in Act 2 scenery 6 in that respectfore respect moderately, long love doth so / Too spry arrives as tardy as be expressions slow.Basic entirely in ally saying to Romeo that he should be more(prenominal) patient, he suggests that natural passion can end in tears and it is necessary for him to wait for the blood to work out.He can be viewed as a farther shape to both Romeo and Juliet. Juliet receives little assistance at all from her m an separate(prenominal) or farther, this can be sh suffer when Juliet refuses to wed the Count capital of France, they take little notice to what Juliet has to say(Act 3 outlook 5) I would the fool were wed to her grave.I believe Romeo a coarse deal in any case seeks fatherly guidance from mendicant Lawrence which he does not receive from his own father and family. This Proves that Neither Romeo or Juliet develop a close relationship to on that point parents, friar Lawrence provides the comfort for both Romeo and Juliet. beggar Lawrence is a man of the Roman Catholic Church He bring arounds services for the population of Verona and carries out ceremonies such as weddings, funerals, baptisms , confessions as easily as celebrating the mass. The beggar may make up felt he demand to suspensor the equalize as they would be stick with make up inted carnal sin in the eyes of the catholic faith, a workable reason why he chooses to service Romeo and Juliet could be because of his job to listen to confessions and attend to mountain with sin. He is a friar and essential live his life all and with hardly any knowledge of the away(p) world (especially the personal business of new(a) people). candidly he isnt in reality the high hat man to be handling the affairs of 2 adolescent children, being the conflagration of youth and the beggar being at the end of life so he has never had a deep apprehension of materialization peoples take ups.friar Lawrence is ext remely lettered and philosophical. He often sits quite merrily in his cell contemplating or reading. He lives his life approximatelyly secluded from the outdoors world. The friar first shows his philosophical side in Act 2 Scene 3. He describes his envisionts and weeds and explains how they both can be used for good and evil. virtuousness itself turns vice, being misapplied, / And vice sometimes by action dignified.The friar it seems is a kind and to the highest degreely gentle man. I believe he actually wishes to help the childlike couple. However at times, he can also be quite brutal like the time when Romeo shows how self-centred he is after he is banished from Verona. He definitely is a brave man by unifying the 2 lovers he is provoking the wrath of the two most flop families in Verona.Another sign of the Friars parole is how the Friar can come up with a solution almost all time he is faced the problem. This happens on a number of occasions. For example when Romeo is banished from Verona he suggest Romeo go to Mantua, or when Juliet is laboured to wed Count genus Paris so friar Lawrence offers her the potion to fake death so that she can be reunited with Romeo, even when all hope seems to be lost Friar Lawrence instantly comes up with a plan on determineing Romeo has not au whencetic his letter the Friar decides to enter the Capulet grave which is an extremely dangerous thing to do. This is another(prenominal) indication as to how brave Friar Lawrence very is.The friar is also well trusted and respected. The nurse is a great admirer of the Friar, she also agreed with the Friar and she verbalise O Lord, I could mother stayed here all night / To hear good counsel. O what learning isJuliet is panic-stricken by the potion, but Friar Lawrence reassures her of all the effects the potion that leave alone make people believe she is murdered. She still trusts Friar Lawrence replete to take itThere is however sensation flaw to the Friars pe rsonality. He is old and nave. He is nave to think that only marrying the two lovers result end the fight. His naivety is exposed when he asks Juliet to join a nunnery when she sees Romeos dead corpse in the tomb this patently wouldnt suit a young girl. With Friar Lawrences good intentions and rapidly devising plans he can also be nave in this respect.Friar Lawrence Is purposely put into the plot to really send the plot towards its tragic end. The friar reacts and responds to the problematic circumstances In a way that causes the play to be driven to the ending. Simply without the Friar the play could not of taken place. The friar decided to marry Romeo and Juliet he was sure as shooting going to pick out to help them through any problems they would face during the course of the play. The other characters in the play cause most of the trouble that interrupt with Romeo and Juliets passionate relationship.He had to marry Romeo and Juliet as he is a friar and he can only perf orm the wedding ceremony. It was his religious duty to marry then if they had sex outside of spousal relationship it would be a grave rudimentary sin in the eyes of the Catholic Church. When Both Romeo and Juliet during the play say they will commit suicide the Friar evidently must help them. He could also not let Juliet take place in the bigamous marriage with Paris. There is 3 sins that take place ravish it is the Friars duty to stop from taking place (suicide, bigamy and sex outside of marriage).I in person believe that Friar Lawrence is not to lodge for all of the tragic events. He is arduous to do his religious duty, and his duty as a fatherly figure. He tries his truly best to help the couple, however are usually sunk by other characters in the play who cause more problems so the initial plans set up by the friar are ruined every time.Other Characters in the play are to blame more so than the Friar. Tybalt and Mercutio, in my opinion, caused the most problems. The figh t was excess and was simply for very improper causes. Tybalt had come for Romeo, but end up cleaning Mercutio.Romeo is also much to blame. It is his impulsive behaviour that causes the main problems. There was no need for Romeo to be so careless to erase Tybalt. He did something that he knew was wrong. Another major(ip) incident was when he killed Count Paris. When Romeo killed Paris he had sealed his fate, if he didnt commit suicide then he would prepare been executed.The Capulet and Montague families are also involved. These two families have had hate for each other for many years. If the parents of the two families could settle their differences and be mature enough to then most of these problems would not have occurred. If there had not been a strife in I am almost certain no(prenominal) of these problematic circumstances would have taken place.Most characters in the play confer to the fall of Romeo and Juliet far more than Friar Lawrence. Friar Lawrence is the one who tr ies to clear up mess left by these other characters.Shakespeare intended for Romeo and Juliet to die and there is really nothing Friar Lawrence could do about it, with the play being a tradigy. It is said in the opening of the play A pair of star crossed lovers take their life. This shows it is Romeo and Juliets destiny to commit suicide. Friar Lawrence can only push the play along to this inevitable conclusion.Friar Lawrence himself shows some fearfulness in the play but it is fate. If Friar Lawrence had stayed with Juliet in the Capulet vault, he would have probably prevented Juliet from committing suicide. Yet he had to panic as the Watch approached, in order for Juliet to die and the tragic conclusion to occur.He marries Romeo and Juliet for three main reasons. firstly of all he extremitys to end the feud between the two houses. He sees marrying the two as a way to end it,For this alliance may so blessed prove / To turn your households rancour to complete(a) love. Secondly h e does not want the two to the 3 carnal sins. He is upholding his religious duty by marrying them. to boot he can tell that the couple truly are in love although they may not be fasten for marriage. The advice that is given is the right advice. If other characters had not interfered and other unfortunate events had not occurred then the play may have ended happily. However this is a tragedy and his plans must fail.When he gives Juliet the potion to fake his death this potion is as the lesser of three evils. Juliet could commit suicide, have a bigamous marriage with Paris or take the potion and live with Romeo, her husband.If there is a flaw to Friar Lawrence it is certainly his naivety. He thought that by simply marrying Romeo and Juliet he could end the feud. It may have caused even more trouble inwardly Verona and it could have created more harm than good. severity plans like asking Juliet to join a nunnery are due to him not being the right person to help the young couple with his lack of knowledge of young peoples relationships.In conclusion, Friar Lawrence is a good man, who tried his most hardest to help the situation between Romeo and Juliet and the family feud between the Capulets and the Montagues. His motives are entirely selfless and horrible and it is the interference of the other characters, rather than his own actions, which lead to the fall and tragic conclusion of Romeo and Juliet.

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